Dr. Saket Thakar is a Fetal Medicine and Intervention Specialist practicing in Pune. Proud alumni of one of the most prestigious institutions in the country, he has completed his Masters (MD) in Radio-diagnosis from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi followed by super specialization in Fetal Medicine from Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre, Bangalore under the mentorship of Dr. Prathima Radhakrishnan. He has subsequently acquired all the certifications from Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), UK including NT scan, fetal anomaly scan, fetal echocardiography, & invasive certification. He is very passionate about fetal medicine & image-guided interventions & is totally committed to the cause. Apart from conducting all pregnancy scans in an extremely detailed manner, his special interests include early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, fetal echocardiography, counseling for various fetal complications, fetal interventions, and therapy including performing procedures for high-risk pregnancies. He is also specialized in performing other ultrasound & CT-guided diagnostic & therapeutic interventions including FNAC, Biopsy, abscess drainage, pigtail insertion, etc.
- Extended first-trimester screening & anomaly detection
- Fetal anomaly scan
- Fetal Echocardiography
- FGR diagnosis & management
- Antenatal and Fetal interventions
- Prenatal counseling.
- Extended first trimester screening and anomaly detection
- Fetal anomaly scan
- Fetal Echocardiography
- FGR diagnosis and management
- Antenatal and Fetal interventions
- Prenatal counselling.
- Chorionic Villous Sampling (for various indications)
- Amniocentesis (for various indications)
- Fetal blood sampling / Cordocentesis (for various indications)
- Serum Screening by UKNQAS accredited labs (recognised by FMF UK)
- 1st trimester Double marker for Aneuploidies
— §hCG & PAPP-A
- 1st trimester Quad screening (§hCG + PAPP- A + PIGF + AFP) for Aneuploidies, Preeclampsia & Neural Tube defects
- Fetal Reduction in multifetal pregnancies – 2nd trimester Quadruple test
- Inutero fetal blood transfusion (IUT) in fetal Non-invasive cell free DNA(NIPT)
- anemia
- Amniodrainage / Amnioinfusion
- Fetal Shunt (Plural
- sIUGR / Discordant anomalies / TRAP sequence / etc.)Cord coagulation / interstitial laser / RFA in complicated Monochorionic twins (TAPS /
- Fetoscopic laser ablation for TTTS
- Serum Screening by UKNQAS accredited labs (recognised by FMF UK)
- 1st trimester Double marker for Aneuploidies
— §hCG & PAPP-A
- 1st trimester Quad screening (§hCG + PAPP- A + PIGF + AFP) for Aneuploidies, Preeclampsia & Neural Tube defects
- 2nd trimester Quadruple test
- Inutero fetal blood transfusion (IUT) in fetal Non-invasive cell free DNA(NIPT)
- Amniodrainage / Amnioinfusion
- Fetal Shunt (Plural / UB)
- Cord coagulation / interstitial laser / RFA in complicated Monochorionic twins (TAPS /
sIUGR / Discordant anomalies / TRAP sequence / etc.)
- Fetoscopic laser ablation for TTTS
- Maternal infection screening followed by diagnostic amniocentesis for fetal
- Parental Karyotyping
- Parental Thalassemia screening followed by diagnostic CVS if screen positive
- Molecular KT or microarray on products of conception (not blood test)
- 1st trimester Quad screening (§hCG + PAPP- A + PIGF + AFP) for Aneuploidies, Preeclampsia & Neural Tube defects